Hello Doland, First, how is the crate set up and where did you get pup from? Make sure that the crate doesn’t have anything absorbent in it – including a soft bed or towel. Check out www.primopads.com if you need a non-absorbent bed for her. Make sure the crate is only big enough for her to turn around, lie down and stand up, and not so big that she can potty in one end and stand in the opposite end to avoid it. Dogs have a natural desire to keep a confined space clean so it needs to be the right size to encourage that natural desire. Use a cleaner that contains enzymes to clean any previous or current accidents – only enzymes will remove the small and remaining smells encourage the dog to potty in the same location again later. If you are currently letting pup outside into a fence without going with pup, pup is likely not really going potty before bed but getting distracted. Check out the Crate Training article linked below for tips on how to get pup to go potty while outside – which makes accidents in the crate less likely. Crate Training method: https://wagwalking.com/training/train-a-german-shepherd-puppy-to-poop-outside I would remove all food and water at least two hours before bedtime as well and take pup outside last thing before crating, opposed to 30-60 minutes before crating, so pup’s bladder will “shut down” allowing pup to hold it longer while asleep sooner by having pottying and sleeping close together. Finally, with a correctly sized crate and healthy puppy, most puppies will bark when they need to go potty during the night. At this age it’s normal for pup to need 1-2 potty trips during the night. You will need to take pup out when they ask to go until older. If pup isn’t asking to go out despite a correctly sized crate and nothing absorbent in the crate, then you will need to set an alarm clock to take pup out every 4 hours at night. For every month pup gets older you can add an hour to that time until pup can hold it all night. As a general rule a puppy can hold it for the number of months they are age plus one once they wake up. If they stay asleep they can often hold it a bit longer than that. If pup’s crate isn’t where you can hear them, you will need to use an audio baby monitor or move the crate to listen out, or set an alarm. Most dogs have a natural desire to keep a confined space clean, but if pup has a whole lot of accidents in the crate over an extended amount of time some dogs will loose that inclination. This can happen because of unrealistic potty expectations, the wrong set up, or how pup was raised – like a pet store or shelter small kennel environment, where pups go potty where they live, instead of a separate area. When pup has lost that desire and is having accidents in the crate despite changing schedules, cleaning thoroughly, and setting up the crate the way they need, then a different set up may be needed completely. In these cases, I recommend the Tethering method from the article linked below for the daytime whenever you are home. Also, set up an exercise pen in a room that you can close off access to later on (pup will learn it’s okay to potty in this room so choose accordingly). A guest bathroom, laundry room, or enclosed balcony – once weather is a safe temperature are a few options. Don’t set the exercise up in a main area of the house like the den or kitchen. Tethering method: https://wagwalking.com/training/train-a-german-shepherd-puppy-to-poop-outside Use the Exercise Pen method from the article linked below, and instead of a litter box like the article mentions, use a real grass pad to stay consistent with teaching pup to potty on grass outside – which is far less confusing than pee pads (Don’t use pee pads if the end goal is pottying outside!). Since your goal is pottying outside only use the Exercise Pen at night and when you are not home. When pup will hold her bladder while in the rest of the house consistently and can hold it for as long as you are gone for during the day and overnight, then remove the exercise pen and grass pad completely, close off access to the room that the pen was in so she won’t go into there looking to pee, and take her potty outside only. Since she may still chew longer even after potty training, when you leave her alone, be sure to leave her in a safe area that’s been puppy proofed, like a cordoned off area of the kitchen with chew toys – until she is out of the destructive chewing phases too – which typically happens between 1-2 years for most dogs with the right training. Exercise Pen method: https://wagwalking.com/training/litter-box-train-a-chihuahua-puppy Real grass pad brands – Also found on Amazon www.freshpatch.com www.doggielawn.com You can also make your own out of a piece of grass sod cut up and a large, shallow plastic storage container. For the napping, check out the Surprise method from the article I have linked below to teach pup how to cope with alone time. Depending on your success with the crate or needing to switch to an exercise pen, you can use either the pen or crate to practice this training. Surprise method: https://wagwalking.com/training/like-a-crate Best of luck training, Caitlin Crittenden
Feb. 23, 2022