Do you have a new puppy? Whether you want your new puppy to potty outside or on puppy pads, the methods for potty training even a stubborn puppy are the same!
And today, I have 5 easy tips for helping your new best friend learn the right place to go.
How to Potty Train Even a Stubborn Puppy
Since COVID-19 showed up, I have seen a huge influx of new puppies in my animal hospital.
The hospital is filled with playful, happy, and healthy puppies — and we couldn’t be any happier! I mean who doesn’t love puppies?!
But one big question I get asked so often is about how to effectively house train new pups. They can be stubborn and always adorable even when they’re doing the wrong thing! But let’s talk about how to get them to do the RIGHT thing and avoid puppy accidents!
These 5 tips are my {not-so-secret} SECRET tips for getting any puppy, even the stubborn ones, to potty where you want them to potty.
Tip #1 – Crate Training
Crate training really is the best way to train your pup. It’s the most efficient and least messy way I know to train your puppy for when you leave the house and for holding their bladder for longer stretches at night.
The crate will be your BFF and your puppy’s safe haven when you’re away or sleeping.
Tip #2 – Confined Space
Make sure your crate isn’t too big for your bestie. Your puppy should not be able to go to one end of the crate to do his business and then to the other to sleep or eat.
No one likes to sleep and eat where they go to the bathroom. So use that knowledge to your advantage! The tight quarters will force your puppy to let you know when he needs to (or already has) pottied.
Tip #3 – Make a Choice {and Stick With It!}
Pet parents often attempt to train puppies BOTH outside AND on puppy pads inside. This is a big no-no, in my book.
Pick one way you want your puppy to potty, and stick with it! Going back-and-forth can be confusing for a young puppy and aggravating for pet parents when accidents happen.
Do yourself a favor and stick to one method of training at a time, and you’ll potty train even a stubborn puppy in no time!
Tip #4 – No Free Range Training
Do NOT trust your puppy out and about in your house alone until they are sufficiently potty trained!
Trust me on this one. You will avoid lots of headaches {and ruined rugs} by confining your pup to hard surfaces ONLY until they prove you can trust them!
Tip #5 – Positive Reinforcement
When your puppy is finally successful at going where you want him to go, CELEBRATE! Puppies love praise and attention and positive reinforcement for doing the right thing.
Special treats are also a great way to encourage your pup to potty in the right place. Always praise your puppy even when using treats to really hammer the message home.
Final Thoughts on Potty Training Your New Puppy
Puppies are so adorable! But they take time and special attention in the beginning to make sure they’re the very best buddies they can be.
Help your new bestie get the right start, and you’ll feel pure love and devotion for the rest of their days.