Aphasia is the inability to comprehend or formulate language because of damage to specific brain regions. This video covers various subtypes, including Broca's Aphasia, Wernicke's Aphasia, Amnestic Aphasia, Conductive Aphasia and Mixed Aphasia (also known as Global Aphasia). Channel Intro 00:00 Intro Aphasia 00:08 Broca’s Aphasia 00:28 This is also known as Motoric … [Read more...]
What is Aphasia? (Language Disorder)
Aphasia is a neurological disorder that affects more than 2 million people in America. It affects one's ability to process language, both in spoken and written form. Aphasia sufferers have trouble speaking and understanding spoken words. They also have trouble reading and writing. The disorder is caused by brain damage, usually to the left side of the brain. Our brains have … [Read more...]