अन्ना मणि (Anna Mani) को Weather Woman of India के नाम से भी जाना जाता है.भारत की पहली महिला वैज्ञानिकों में एक नाम अन्ना का भी है. उनके 104वें जन्मदिन पर गूगल (Google) ने ये खास डूडल बनाया है.अगर एक लाइन में अन्ना का परिचय देना हो तो कहा जा सकता है कि ये भारत की वो मौसम वैज्ञानिक हैं जिनकी वजह से आज हम मौसम का सटीक पूर्वानुमान लगा पा रहे हैं.कौन हैं अन्ना मणि और आज भी लोग … [Read more...]
Anna Mani: Google celebrates Indian physicist’s birthday with a doodle
Google today celebrated the 104th birthday of Indian physicist and meteorologist Anna Mani with a Doodle. Anna Mani is one of the country’s first female scientists. She worked as the former Deputy Director General of the Indian Meteorological Department. She is known for her contributions in the field of solar radiation, ozone and wind energy instrumentation. ► Subscribe to … [Read more...]
Weathering Heights Anna Mani
Miss Anna Modayil Mani, fondly called Miss Mani, holds an illustrious place among the outstanding scientists of modern India. How does she make a difference to our lives? What is she remembered for? What kind of a person was she? How did she get where she did? Why do we owe her one? Miss Anna Mani laid a solid foundation for India in Weather Instruments that are employed for … [Read more...]